SMS Usability Test – LTEO Team Meeting

To help feed into the design of my SMS Learning Activity, and the session which Vic and I will run at the SMS Edutxt Event at Bath. I’d like to get members of the LTEO to user test the SMS activity.

Vic will need to run this as I’m not at the next meeting. However, the instructions are as follows. note, Vic will need to sell why they are completing the activity … they are role playing an academic who is thinking of using real time communication in their teaching.

So as individuals or in pairs,

  1. text sct to 07786209249
  2. complete the activity while eating cake
  3. complete the free text survey

Survey questions:

  1. Was it engaging?
  2. Did you complete the activity? How about the costs to participate, is this a barrier?
  3. Do you need to see the bigger picture? is 144 characters simply to small for an effective learning?
  4. How might you improve the activity?

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